Sunday, 1 June 2014

IVA Remedial Work Part 1

Hello all

Thought it was time for an update. I've just about fixed everything now (see part 2 for the one thing that's caused me a lot of grief!)

So to recall the things it failed IVA on were:

1) Mirrors x 3 didn't give correct field of vision
2) Lock nuts on brake and clutch rods loose
3) Handbrake efficiency 16.5% achieved, needs to be 18%
4) N/S/F cycle wing bracket sharp edge
5) Rear upper seat belts sharp edge
6) Headlamps out of alignment (already passed at station)
7) O/S/R suspension wishbone lock nut insecure
8) accelerator lock nut loose
9) Bolts too short on steering column bush
10) Wiring chaffing with fuel pipe

1) Mirrors x 3 didn't give correct field of vision

 The interior mirror needed some sort of wedge shape to make it sit level on the sloping scuttle. So I made one out of epoxy GRP and bolted it on with slightly longer bolts


Wedge shape (left) longer bolts and mirror right

That, of course then meant the lovely chromed mirror sat ever so slightly above the 10mm sharp-edge projection limit, so to finish off I covered the whole thing with self-adhesive foam and insulation tape. Looks dreadful, but it should pass. And might fall off after the test

Exterior mirrors just needed moving upwards a bit. Many thanks to Dave Rodgman who sent me the equivalent photo from his car to give me a hint as to where they need to be.

Works like a treat now - all 3 mirrors have great visibility, although they do stick out a bit like rabbits ears - I remember now why I had them down low. Ah well, maybe I'll get used to it, or perhaps get some different mirrors in the future.  

I did the full test from the manual, that's cones at the height of themirror 10m offsite, 20m nearside, and 60m from the rear of the centre; and you can see everything you need to which is great.

2) Lock nuts on brake and clutch rods loose

Easy enough - 5mins with the spanners and the paint pen and they were all sorted.

3) Handbrake efficiency 16.5% achieved, needs to be 18%  

See blog part 2!!

 4) N/S/F cycle wing bracket sharp edge

Again, another easy one, just some edging trim glued and zip tied on. only the nearside was picked up, but I've done both sides the same in case the next examiner decides to be funny about it!

 5) Rear upper seat belts sharp edge

Dubious one this, but as it's a relatively easy one, not worth the argument. Nut covers were already there, but glued on some edging trim. Quite tricky to fold it into that shape, but with some fettling it was achievable.

 6) Headlamps out of alignment (already passed at station)


7) O/S/R suspension wishbone lock nut insecure

Another easy one with my 19mm spanner. This one I blame the 4 wheel alignment place for!!! Although my fault for not checking the "professional's" workmanship.

8) accelerator lock nut loose

See pic 2).  came under a different failure category on the sheet hence the bullet point.

9) Bolts too short on steering column bush

Mustn't have taken a pic of this, but instead of using M8 x 35mm I've just M8 x 60mm. A bit overkill but that's all I had in stock, and they can't fail it for being too long.

10) Wiring chaffing with fuel pipe

Again, a bit picky I think, but wasn't too difficult to sort out. 



 Note that before the pipes and wires were clipped together, they're now seperated, inside
  conduits, and secured seperately.

Now see part 2 for the less easy bits!!!!

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